Monday 21 September 2015

Albissarh.. Moroccans weapon in the cold winter nights

Moroccans are accustomed to cold weather in this period, which they call «nights», in which disturbed the atmosphere and it rains profusely, and snow falling heavily, with what Asahbhma of severe cold and strong winds in several areas.

Moroccans are preparing for the cold as the military prepares for his enemy in the war, and cooler weather in the Atlas Mountains kill sometimes.

Among the means taken by the Moroccan weapon for them to defend themselves against the cold and snow are two ways, the first to wear clothing, woolen and leather processing houses modern Balmedfat in cities, while in the countryside and rural areas cut off villagers trees, and they store firewood in the stores to be used for heating. The second way they eat certain foods during the winter to protect them from the cold weather and give them energy paid them cold.

Moroccans accepted in such cold weather to eat hot foods that provide the body with energy differently from the rest of the seasons, and there is such a Moroccan known is said in such cases «in the winter to eat alone and sleep with ten members, and in the summer dining with ten people and sleep alone », an indication that the individual needs of our food in the winter than in the summer needs. Among these foods there Alkadido «calories» and «Albissarh» meat.

Eaters «Albissarh», is a bean dryer crushed prefer to have the kind of municipal, crust removed him to be cooked in water with some vegetables, spices and olive oil. And serve hot with barley or wheat bread, whether at lunch or dinner, there is also dealt with in the preferred breakfast.

Moroccans prefer to eat beans after removing the crust with him, and make him porridge called «Albissarh», unlike the Easterners who eat fava beans. Moroccans eat a full turn, shell beans, but among them is common, especially in the winter, making it a key and a key component in their diet, according.

Considered «Albissarh» food rich and poor alike, but they remain more prevalent amid the poorer classes.

Nor is the economic cost much, as the kilograms of beans enough to satisfy eight people. And the price does not exceed a few nine dirhams per kilogram (about one dollar), and the manifold benefits. If we enumerate the benefits of beans will not Nhsaha constituent of it, so it has a high nutritional value and doctors advised taking it. And Bean «Albissarh» rich in protein, vitamins, minerals such as iron, phosphorus and salts, doctors believe it has a complex chemical compounds are resistant cancers that affect the mouth, and also good for the heart because it raises the good cholesterol level in the blood, and contains material strengthens immunity objects against diseases, and the peel Bean is defined by the fights they constipation, which affects the body, and provide an opportunity to benefit from the chlorophyll in them a green material that absorb body odors. To prepare eaters «Albissarh» you will not need a lot of time, because they are easy setup, the preparation does not need only a half an hour at most.

And different amounts «Albissarh» from one region to another, but they generally consist of half a kilo bean dryer without the crust, and a liter of water or more, and tomato, and three cloves of garlic, a piece of red pulses, bead Islands, and a teaspoon of salt, and a teaspoon of cumin and material Krkom Municipal, and a cup of olive oil. Either way you are in the Atlas Mountains are areas where compensation pillars of oil olive oil, and in the north and the mountains of rural areas instead of red pumpkin, carrots, cabbage turnip put.

And the method of uniform cooking, Bearing in «pot» beans, pumpkin, carrots, with salt for about half an hour, then guest foam left by the beans, then Ntahn components and Nerjaha to the pan again and add the black cumin pepper and olive oil and the amount of water when needed while stirring Of course in order not to stick.

In the end plates are in the presentation along with wheat or barley bread, and sprinkle with olive oil, cumin, and from there it adds drops of lemon to taste, while the population of Souss Instead of olive oil put oil «Arkan». »


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