Sunday 20 September 2015

Historical of the largest caves in Africa Caves of Hercules

This is the historical cave of the largest caves in Africa, dating back to 2500 BC, where in ancient mythology, suggesting it was the headquarters of «Hercules» best known for his fight against sea pirates. This exciting cave discovered in 1906 and there are catacombs extend to 30 kilometers in the ground, Nantha nature in a rocky cavity is high and make it oversees the Atlantic Ocean not far from the Strait of Gibraltar, where the Mediterranean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean. The cave is a cave send Atemth the mystery and sense of adventure, once you enter it, you feel like a home air conditioner naturally, emits recital programmed to tidal movements, and the rhythm of the wind, rock plash. By a large window, or a wonderful painting from nature it took thousands of years to make it distinctive and carved to look like after the last touches on the shape of a map of the African continent, change their colors and charm change continuously.

The sunset of the most beautiful moments in which visitors enjoy a lot, where the Atlantic waters mingle sunshine withered. Manuel Linares says a Spanish visitor about this charming place «I am by nature lovers, like sunset, but in the Caves of Hercules seems remarkable». He adds: «entered the cave whenever I feel a great sense, and unleashed my imagination which returns me to the Oqsosat read about the legend of Hercules».

There are many novels revolve around the story of Hercules and this cave, including those which says that Africa was connected to Europe, and separates the medium rum Sea region (Mediterranean) from the Sea of ​​darkness (the Atlantic Ocean), and what was Atlas son of Neptune three daughters living in the grove poses apples gold and guarded by a monster, killer Hercules (son of Jupiter) and defeated him, but Hercules in the fury of the conflict Gillat hit the mountain broke away to mingle waters of the Mediterranean blue green waters of the Atlantic, Europe and separated from Africa.

Another novel tells a different details, and in this regard, says emigrated Abed It hails from the city of Tangier «The Hercules was a prisoner in the cave, try one day get out of it and hit the wall most recent by a large hole has become much like the map of Africa and the impact of the blow broke the African and European continents . Thus, our parents and our grandparents told us about the cave. » Also it emphasizes that the cave for the people of Tangier is a proud heritage which the population of the harbor city.

Legend has it origin in Tangier designation as «the harbor city» The Hercules Sovakis son of one of the daughters of Neptune to produce their marriage beautiful daughter Highness Tanjas, including the city of Tangier name came.

On the other novels that came on the lips of one of the tour guides where Ayoub Mayorom say when his visit to the cave, that Hercules was lying in the cave, and when he was fluctuates above the bed, hit the wall with his foot and he signed the wall and so the latest shelf overlooking the ocean. Tales and legends vary, but visitors agree on the beauty of the cave, he says Mayorom: «very much enjoyed the visit this place, it leaves a nice effect in the psyche of visiting the cave, even though he visited more than once, the fact that he is a wonderful place worth a visit».

It should be noted that the cave is characterized by its strategic location has made the site the city of Tangier, a Northern Gateway to Morocco at the confluence of the Mediterranean Ocean, Mediterranean Sea Atlantic including the area of ​​destination visitors and they were received from various parts of the world, it combines easy and Montenegro, as well as a sandy beach of the most beautiful beaches of the world, held the latest tourist facilities equipped with all sports and recreational facilities. Through the rooftop cafe tourists can watch the Bay of Tangier and the Straits of Gibraltar and the coast of Andalusia with the naked eye, when the air Shawwa, as well as enjoy the Moroccan meals increases pleasure with scenic open appetite.

Featuring the city of Tangier old its buildings Romania, Andalusian, European and forms, to the history of the area which left the Phoenicians and the Carthaginians, Romans, Vandals, Arabs hooves of their horses on them, in the year 707 AD opened Musa Bin Naseer and ran the commander Tariq ibn Ziyad, which was launched them passing the strait Taking its name to open the Al-Andalus in 711 . and the growing city and would become the name given to the Al-Aqsa Morocco after all that turned into the center of the bridge and cross it convoys armies, scientists, writers, and anyone who would like to go to Spain, which does not separate it from Tangier only 14 kilometers across the sea.

And after the departure of the Arabs from Andalusia Andalusian immigrants embraced Tangier, where they settled and dyed her sympathetically Andalusian delicate, then entered the arena of global conflict Tangier fell into the hands of the Portuguese, who they made marriage in 1662, King Charles II of England princess Catherine of Portugal gift. Despite the succession of steps invaders and adventurers on its territory, Tangier remained, as they are, maintain the affiliation of the Arab, and maintained its record as a forum for cross-fertilization of ideas and currents, where resorted to a lot of creators and celebrities the world, and have resided there and they have taken appropriate place for their creations. The traveler Ibn Battuta months Arabs He was born in Tangier in 1304. good advocate for his city during his trips around the world.


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